LinkedIn recommendations: teambuilding in times of corona

If there’s one thing that probably everyone agrees on, it’s that working from home brings with it some unfamiliar challenges. In communication, in the working rythm and definitely in maintaining professional relationships.

And it turns out we are all remarkably resilient in finding ways to still communicate with each other effectively. Next to mail, phone and WhatsApp also video conferencing solutions offer access to the living rooms or at least the walls and curtains of colleagues.

LinkedIn recommendations: teambuilding in times of corona

The one thing that these group sessions don’t necessarily help with is maintaining your one on one relationships with colleagues. You can obviously schedule a video call for this as well, but I’d like to share another approach that I’ve experienced the other day. Recommending each other on LinkedIn!

And I’m not talking about the Hallmark-like Kudos Awards where you tick a box that you think someone is a “Team Player,” “Amazing Mentor,” or “Inspirational Leader”. Maybe also fun and not such a bad idea either. But what I’m talking about is a lasting recommendation on someone’s profile.

Why recommend on LinkedIn

Just to reflect on the experience of doing so myself, recommending a colleague on me had the effect of forcing me to think about:

  • what I value about that person
  • what I think the other does well in their professional role and as a team member
  • how the other adds value to the organization and customers
  • why I’d recommend that person

Questions that each force you to see the other in a positive light. To leave the friction you may sometimes feel behind and park the discussions you may have (had). And to take a step back.

With the result being that you’re not just giving the other a gift, but also yourself in your daily dealings with that person. Rather than letting your most recent interaction affect your perception, you basically reset your perspective as a whole. Starting off from the most positive point of view possible.

Don’t recommend for the sake of recommending

A side note to the above. I’m not suggesting to just start recommending anyone whether you like them or not. That’s just guaranteed to frustrate you more and to negate the positive effect of giving a recomendation.

Admittedly, you’ll be surprised by how many positive things you’re able to point out in people. Even those you have less of a bond with. It’s just that you allow for the negative sides to surface more. And that’s where giving a recommendation helps to put someone’s positive sides in the spotlight.

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